Food facts
Plant-Based ‘Meats’ – Healthy or not?
This post examines the pros and cons of the newer plant-based ‘meats, in terms of both sustainability and health.
This post examines the pros and cons of the newer plant-based ‘meats, in terms of both sustainability and health.
How can lentils help us reduce cholesterol, lose body fat and lower cancer risk? Find out here just how they work.
Potatoes – we love them – but what is the most healthy way to cook them, and how much should we eat of them? Lots of great potato facts here.
There is a widespread belief today that bread is what is making the world overweight. This post looks at the truth and myths about this claim.
What’s the big issue with ham and bacon? Find out here how healthy plant substances break down under processed meat-making conditions to form the worst chemicals we all love to eat.
Is coconut oil healthy, or not? What about coconut water, or coconut milk? Should you be using these products regularly? Find out the facts in this post.
What is the one food that does more than any other food to lower blood glucose & cholesterol, reduce colon cancer risk, lower weight, balance hormones AND save you money? Find out how to get beans working in your life.
Fish is marketed as a health food containing valuable fats that we cannot live without. But it also contains many problematic ingredients. This post looks at the issues to weigh up – and the alternatives.
Which will make the biggest difference to health? Removing dairy or removing meat? This post looks at several ways milk may be hurting your health.
Limiting foods cooked by this one cooking method can make a big difference to your health – both short and long term. Find out why frying is such a problem.