This post is about how seeing a nutritionist can benefit a cancer patient.

Cancer and Nutrition

Many of my readers know that helping people with cancer is a special interest of mine.  In Australia, a nutritionist is not legally allowed to treat cancer.  It is only legal for doctors to treat cancer here.  I am not a medical doctor.  What I do is help people onto the path of getting healthy – no matter what their disease.  I don’t treat cancer – I treat the whole person, and the result can very often be that their condition, no matter what it is, improves.

One of the major underpinning principles of all natural therapies is that the body is self-healing and contains a vital force within it to heal itself. We see this power regularly from a torn-off toe-nail regrowing or a wound healing.  I also see it on a deeper level when whole body organs renew themselves in response to a better diet and other lifestyle changes, and blood tests or scans indicate a major healing has taken place.  I believe our self-healing bodies point to our creation by a loving God.

Cancer, although an incredibly complex illness, resulting from longterm damage to various body organs, is no different to this – a healthy body has the potential to heal itself.

Seeking Traditional Cancer Treatment

Most of my clients who have cancer also work with their standard of care doctor and oncologist.  There are some cancer types that respond favourably to chemotherapy.  I am comfortable working with the medical protocol.  I am trained to help clients understand their treatments and see how they can best get through them.  I can provide information to empower my client so they can make informed choices and not feel like they are being steamrolled into things they don’t understand.

If this is a route you feel confident with – it is the best one for you.  I can recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes to support what your doctor is doing that will not work against that therapy (as shown in peer-reviewed scientific trials).  In many cases, miserable and painful side-effects can be alleviated or avoided completely.  I can talk with you about what to talk with your doctor about and what questions to ask, and take time to go over all those tests with you in a way you can understand.

Looking for an Alternate Cancer Path

Some clients have already decided they do not wish to go on the traditional chemotherapy-radiation pathway for whatever reason (often because the outcomes are not as good for their particular cancer as they had hoped they could be).  I will usually encourage those clients not to alienate their doctor; a doctor you are comfortable talking with can be a wonderful resource with specific knowledge, skills and the ability to open doors closed to non-medical health professionals; it is beneficial to be able to work with your doctor wherever possible.

Moving forward, I can simply help you on the path of getting healthy – as healthy as cancer patients need to be to get some positive results back.  This takes great commitment for a minimum of two years.  People with cancer are often nutrient deficient, and I can help identify what you be lacking in and make changes to correct that.  Massive lifestyle change is also usually needed and I can help identify what may be blind-spots to you.  I’ll support your path, in whatever way I can.  People often start feeling like a new person while on this journey – and if the body gets what it needs – there are a growing number of testimonials of cancer slowing down, being brought under control or even being reversed.

I hope this information is helpful for you and your family and friends.

If you’d like to read testimonials of people who changed their lives completely and got over cancer – for the long term, there are many wonderful testimonies at Chris Beat Cancer.


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