An interesting observational study done in Sweden in 2016  followed 30,000 women for 20 years to see what lifestyle behaviours influenced risk of early death from all causes.  Not only did they find that women exposed to daily sunlight not only lived longer (2.1 years longer) than those actively avoiding sunshine exposure, but smokers who got out in the sunshine daily without sunscreen actually eliminated that huge life-shortening risk they are taking from smoking!

Daily sunshine actually put the smokers at no higher risk of early death than the non-smoking sun-avoiders!

⠀This speaks powerfully of the benefit of Vitamin D in health.  Notably, those getting out in the sun daily and living longer – did have a slightly higher incidence of melanoma – but they still lived longer.  It was not measured how much sun they were getting – and there are a lot more factors involved in melanoma than just the sun, however, avoiding the sun is not a black and white solution for a longer life.  ⠀

If only science research gave out unambiguous clear-cut answers – unfortunately this is rarely the case.  it usually takes dozens if not hundreds of studies to ascertain definite causality for anything, and the reader must make a decision based on what evidence does exist.

⠀Taking all these studies on the sun and Vitamin D into consideration, the British Medical Journal has cited low levels of vitamin D as being associated with an increased risk of cancer.  This is one of the environmental factors which, combined with diet and lifestyle, causes 70 – 95% of cancers.

⠀ Raising Vitamin D levels is perhaps the simplest but most effective public health measure that can be taken to prevent cancer. Amongst other things, Vitamin D ensures cells maintain their distinct form and function, controls cell growth and initiates cell death (of imperfect cells). ⠀

In Australia at this time of year (summer), sufficient Vitamin D can be obtained from the sun with a few minutes daily exposure of hands, feet and face morning and afternoon if you have fair or olive skin. Beyond that, care should be taken not to get burned.


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