Does your child suffer with ADHD, ADD, poor attentiveness, distraction from learning, excessively hyperactive behaviour? Have you tried every “better parenting’ tip in the book? Have you already removed every food additive and colouring from the pantry – and still the problem is getting worse?

Nutrition can help ADHD! I mean it can genuinely help! Not in 100% of cases – but in the majority of cases, scientific trials have shown over and over that many children professionally diagnosed with ADHD and ADD can improve incredibly and the majority at least see considerable improvement. And I’m hearing you parents – even a small improvement can make a big difference.

You say you’ve tried nutrition for ADHD?

For decades, researchers across the world have experimented with the following things to try to reduce the symptoms of diagnosed ADHD/ADD children:

  • Changing to a healthier diet with more vegetables, fish, whole grains, fruit etc.
  • Getting processed and packaged foods out of the diet (this, of course, gets rid of additives, preservatives, etc.)
  • Taking single supplements, eg. zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, various single vitamins. These tend to be low in the blood of children with these mental disorders

Once diagnosed, researchers found that these things made next to no difference at all. Any changes were so incremental that you’d have to look extremely closely to notice there was any change at all. But you already know this – because you’ve already tried some of these things – right?

It’s true that there is some evidence that starting with the above changes BEFORE ADHD symptoms arise can be effective in preventing the disorders from arising in the first place, but once the symptoms are there – these things do next to no good.

What’s left – only drugs?

Considerable research of a different type has been going on in New Zealand for the past two decades with nutritional supplements and ADHD. But these are different nutritional supplements than have been used previously. This type of nutrition can help ADHD quite significantly.

I’d like to invite you to watch this YouTube video (18 mins long) from the head of the research explaining her team’s ground-breaking work:

You can also see the video <here> if it is not showing up on your device.

I used these supplements with two young clients of mine, both in the same family. Below is an amazing testimonial by their equally amazing and determined mum. I hope this will encourage you to not give up on nutrition yet. The drugs used will dull your child’s inquisitiveness and are damaging for their long-term health. Try this way first. Please take advantage of my 3 discounted child consults (above) to help them get onto the programme.

Testimonial – Nutrition can help ADHD!!

Towards the end of last year we saw our paediatrician for one of our sons because of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD he was showing. We had never had any of this with our older children, but nothing we were doing was helping.  The paediatrician said our son was a typical hyperactive type ADHD. He then brought in some students to point out the behavioural symptoms.

He prescribed medication, saying “It will be interesting to see how many calls for behaviour issues you get from his school when he starts kindy next year”. 

We were also concerned about our daughter, for different reasons.  She had lapses in concentration all day long – every minute or so. As soon as we thought she had learned one thing, she forgot it.  She had been at school for years could not read still. She was unable to remember anything she had been taught. Even two letter words proved beyond her.  

We didn’t want to use prescription drugs on our son so we came to see Mary to see if there were any alternatives. She suggested a nutritionally excellent diet of whole foods as a starting point, even though it had not yet been proven to work. We knew we wouldn’t be able to get our kids to stick to such a strict diet, so asked if there was anything else.  

She told us about some recent research in New Zealand which was showing quite amazing results with children with several types of behavioural and mental problems (ADHD, bipolar, anxiety, to mention some).  They took quite large quantities of particular blends of vitamins and minerals. These are being used by medical professionals in the US, Canada and other parts of the world, but are not currently available in Australia.  We decided it was worth a try and Mary found out how to get them and how to take them.

It was hard work. The kids hated the taste and we had to cover it up in different foods.  They couldn’t take the large vitamins at first so we bought smaller empty capsules and decanted the powder into them.  We had to give this a real try for 3 months, or else we were staring down the barrel of lifelong medication for our son and a daughter unable to learn anything.  

Eventually we sorted out how to get them down, and the results started to come!

Our son recently (10 months later) undertook a behavioural assessment  and returned negative for ADHD!  His teachers said his behaviour and focus have dramatically improved even since the beginning of the year. 

Of course, maturity may play its part too, but the change is so significant and the timing too coincidental for it to not be the supplements. 

Our daughter noticed a difference in her ability to stay focused almost immediately.  Her brain lapses have become less and less since taking the vitamins to the point of pretty much not having any at all anymore. At most she may have 1 or 2 in the entire day!! There is a SIGNIFICANT change in her brain’s function. She can now read age appropriate chapter books, and comprehension, maths and all aspects of academics, in general, is good. 

She hates taking the tablets, BUT she also recognises the huge difference it makes for her (and will be the first one to tell you of it).  Therefore she takes them purely because she knows the difference it makes and she likes the results of being able to function virtually normally.  

As long as our two kids keep taking these vitamin supplements, we have no disruptive behavioural symptoms or learning difficulties.  You can imagine what a difference this makes in our family life.  They are safe and have been used by others for well over ten years with no bad effects. Nutrition CAN help ADHD!

AM, Mother

If you would like to leave a testimonial for using nutrition for ADHD or ADD, please leave it <here>. I would love to hear it.


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