I went to see Mary with alarmingly elevated liver enzymes and high cholesterol. My doctor was concerned and doing many worrying tests to discover what was causing this massive rise in inflammatory markers.   Being in my 60s, many causes were possible.

The radiologist’s report suggested my cholesterol medication could be contributing to the out-of-the-ball-park liver enzymes.  Since the scan had indicated no clear other areas of inflammation, Mary first worked on lowering my cholesterol while I remained on the statin medication.  This was done with dietary changes which were really not too hard.  I thought I was eating enough vegetables but realised I needed to be eating a lot more and also that I needed more fibre in my diet. She also added a few essential vitamins and minerals to take that I was lacking.

After a few months I returned to my doctor for repeated blood tests – at which time my cholesterol (medicated) was low – 4.1 – the lowest my cholesterol had ever been, even on cholesterol-lowering medication.  My liver enzymes had also dropped a great deal. Mary suggested I speak with my doctor about trialling several months off the cholesterol medication while we continued with dietary changes.  My doctor was not willing to consider this, believing nutrition could make no difference.  So I changed to a doctor another family member sees who was open to working with a nutritionist.  This was a big step in taking my health back into my own hands.  I then halted my cholesterol medication with my doctor’s agreement.

Three months later, the next series of blood tests showed my liver enzymes were completely normal; my cholesterol, without any medication, had risen slightly as expected, but good HDL cholesterol was higher. The doctor was happy with these results and agreed to keep me off the cholesterol medication for 6 more months.

I now feel in control of my health and confident about my future!  My inflammation levels are way down, I know how to keep reducing my cholesterol (which was indicating inflammation in my arteries), and I have lost a few extra kilograms and feel great!

IR, School Teacher
