I went to see Mary after my osteopath referred me to her.  I’d been having awful headaches for some time, and more in the last year.  They were lasting half the day and affecting my life a lot.  My husband said I took Panadol like lollies – all the time. They had got so bad the doctor booked me in for a brain scan.

Mary asked me lots of questions about other aspects of my health and said it appeared I may not be absorbing enough nutrients from my food and this can be a common cause of headaches.  She suggested some diet changes.  There were things I’d suspected I might be intolerant to, and she showed me how to replace those things with healthier options and round out my diet better.  She also gave me one supplement to take for the next month to give me a head start on healing.

I went back to see Mary a month later after my brain scan had come back negative.  I was able to report that I was completely better – no more headaches, plenty of energy and no more upset stomach.  And I liked the new way I was eating too.

JK, Primary School Teacher
