Towards the end of last year, we saw our paediatrician for one of our sons because of the disruptive symptoms of ADHD he was showing.  The paediatrician said our son was a typical hyperactive-type ADHD and brought in some students to show how to diagnose ADHD since our son showed all typical behaviours. He immediately prescribed medication for it.
We were also concerned about our daughter who had lapses in concentration all day long – every minute or so. As soon as we thought she had learned one thing, she forgot it.  She had been at school for years and was unable to remember anything she had been taught, let alone read. Even two letter words proved beyond her.  
We didn’t want to use prescription drugs on our son so we came to see Mary to see if there were any alternatives.  She outlined a new nutritional approach that had been showing remarkable success with a range of mental conditions and that had been proven safe for children in the long-term. We immediately embarked on it – at least it was worth a try!
Now, less than a year later, we have no disruptive behavioural symptoms or learning difficulties.  You can imagine what a difference this makes in our family life.  We are so glad Mary stays up to date with nutritional research and was able to share this option with us. 
AM, mother
You can read the actual details of this nutritional approach to ADHD over at my blog <click here>.