I was one of the earlier ones to get the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine in Australia.  It was needed because of my work and I was not concerned about it as I’d had several other vaccines as needed for work.

I have been quite healthy all my life, active, loved exercising, normal weight.  I got hayfever seasonally. Other than that I was really healthy.  A few days after the vaccine I got a bad respiratory infection that saw me on antibiotics.  By the time I came off the antibiotics, I was starting to have joint pain. This got increasing worse over the next week until I was unable to walk or go to work with the pain throughout my whole body.  My husband took me to the hospital.

What was wrong with me

Many tests were run on me and it turned out I had massive inflammation in my body. Even Rheumatoid Factor was elevated. I have never had any such illness or autoimmune reaction and could only put it down to the vaccination.  I was sent to a rheumatologist who diagnosed a form of  ‘reactive arthritis’ and said it would most likely take about a year to resolve completely.  By now I was on Prednisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory steroid.  This was not what I’d ever expected for my life.

A friend told me that Mary may be able to help.  It was worth a try.

What we did to improve things

First, she put me on a diet to lower inflammation and added a handful of supplements to speed up the process. Within the week I took myself off the Prednisone. Within three weeks I was remarkably better and only had pain in my hands.  We altered the diet to lower inflammation further until all pain was gone and I was exercising regularly again. That happened quite fast. Then, Mary had me reintroduce foods I had been taken off in such a way as to stop pain from coming back too.

Further, Mary walked me through a diet and supplement protocol I could use when going for my second vaccination which I still needed for work.  I tried to leave as long a gap as I could so my body would be ready.  The second vaccination went without any problem.

It was a great relief to feel I was in control of my health, at a time I felt things had spun out of control.  Now I know better how to keep inflammation low in other situations I may find myself.



Of course, we are not certain that this lady’s reaction was a result of a Covid vaccine.  This type of arthritis typically comes on after a bacterial infection – and her sore throat infection the previous week may have possibly been the trigger. However, given her previously healthy history of no such bad infections, it appears possible that the vaccination resulted in more inflammation at the wrong time and her body reacted.

Regardless of the initial cause, she was in terrible pain, unable to work, on strong drugs and staring down the barrel of up to a year of illness.  No one should have to put up with this if there are simple, natural and relatively inexpensive alternatives.

Thankfully, nutrition is amazing at decreasing inflammation fast and keeping it down. And that reduces pain.



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